The show will take place from Thursday, April 18 to Sunday, April 21, 2024 at Espace Gruyère in Bulle, and is the essential platform for solutions in construction, housing and sustainable mobility.
The ambition for the next edition is to welcome around 100 exhibitors from all over Switzerland. At the same time, the organizing committee is putting together a wide-ranging program of conferences and events aimed at both industry professionals and the general public. Here’s an overview of the program.
Looking to renovate your home? or get expert advice on building your own home? install solar panels? or choosing quality insulation materials for your future apartment or home? You’ll find specialized companies among the exhibitors. Not forgetting sustainable mobility, which takes pride of place on the 3,500m2 exterior of the building. Anyone can try out electric or hybrid cars.
🎤💡 What innovations to accelerate the energy transition?
We’re delighted to be hosting one of the program’s conferences, to be held on Friday April 19 from 10am to 12:35pm:
For decades, Switzerland has been committed to environmental protection, renewable energy production and, more recently, climate protection. Innovation naturally plays a central role in achieving these objectives. However, innovation is not only technological, it is also behavioral, structural, commercial (business models) and regulatory. Any change requires public support. The key today lies in understanding behavior, the real driving force behind this change. This takes time, requires communication efforts and also means recognizing that solutions don’t just come from schools and research institutes, but also from SMEs and citizens. Inclusive innovation is the key to progress!
Conference program :
- 9:30am – 10:00am: Welcome
- 10h00 – 10h50: Introduction “Innovation is not only technological” by Clément Grandjean (Terre et Nature), Bases and regulatory framework by Nicolas Charton (E-Cube) and Impact of cleantech and sustainability by Werner Halter (Climate services).
- 10:50 – 11:20 a.m.: Break, show tour
- 11:20 – 12:00: Impact of digital technology by Ivan Mariblanca Flinch (Canopé) and Societal aspects by Joëlle Mastelic (HES-SO)
- 12:00-12:30: Round table discussion
- 12:30-12:35: Conclusion/closing remarks
ℹ Useful information about Energissima :
- The energissima conferences are aimed at anyone interested in the topic of energy transition, whether you’re a company or an individual.
- All presentations are in French and accessible with an admission ticket. You can register on the event website from early March.
- Registration required before the show or on site.
- Website
- Full program