Showcase 2030 is E4S’ sustainable innovation summit that gathers the academic
community, businesses, start-ups, investors, large organizations, NGOs, policy-
makers and civil society, to engage in an action-driven platform and find solutions
to our century’s most urgent challenges. We’re a proud partner of this event!
With Showcase 2030, the ambition is to :
- Encourage new cross-sector collaborations and build a learning culture that includes all voices around the table.
- Leverage science, technology and business to develop solutions to accelerate the transition.
- Showcase the diversity, dynamism and strength of the sustainable innovation ecosystem in the Lake Geneva region.
The challenge
Our world is facing urgent challenges that require an in-depth understanding of the constraints on our systems. Against a backdrop of climate crisis and growing demand for resources, humanity’s impact on the environment has reached a breaking point.
Technology and innovation can help us break the code of our survival: but what kind of technology and innovation do we need to help us live within the planet’s limits? While technological advances are crucial, their dependence on physical resources requires a conscious assessment of their impact. We need to make informed choices to build sustainable systems.
Bloc 1 : What is sufficiency? This block focuses on the concept of sufficiency in the context of technology and innovation.
Bloc 2 : Technology and planetary limits. Examine the dual role of technology in solving environmental challenges and its potential pressure on planetary limits.
Bloc 3 : Rethinking systems: Rethinking systems: exploring the shift towards regenerative and circular economic models and the need to rethink our existing systems.
In short, showcase 2030 is :
- Be inspired by the speeches of experts in sustainable development and innovation.
- Contribute to the exchange of ideas at round tables and thematic workshops.
- Marvel at an interactive display of solutions