Latest news from the world of cleantech

Green revolution in the food industry: New Roots wins the GreenBusiness Award

The Swiss economy’s most important sustainability prize goes to New Roots. Today, the jury lead by former Federal Councillor Doris Leuthard honoured the Bern-based company…

Photosol, Fruits Rouges & Co and Insolight announce partnership to develop the red fruit industry in France

On January 15, at the Sival trade show in Angers, Photosol, Fruits Rouges & Co and Insolight signed an ambitious partnership agreement. The aim: to…

Romande Energie invests in start-up YORD to improve the energy efficiency of buildings

As a major player in decarbonisation in French-speaking Switzerland, the Romande Energie Group is confirming its position in the property segment by investing in the…

NEST-Unit «DroneHub» inaugurated: A new home for Sustainability Robotics

Flying robots capable of inspecting and repairing building envelopes, interacting with natural ecosystems, and monitoring climate change and biodiversity are being developed and tested at…

EBL is investing in promising technology from the start-up Voltiris: next generation photovoltaics

An innovative pilot project in Füllinsdorf is demonstrating a new, practical way of using solar energy in greenhouses. The photovoltaic systems from the Vaud-based start-up…

The 2nd edition of the Overview of Cleantech Start-ups is now available !

Every year, some 50 new cleantech start-ups are founded in Switzerland, an average of nearly one a week. This figure shows how Switzerland’s cleantech sector…

Record broken for longest hyperloop trial in Europe

A collaborative effort among scientists from Swisspod, EPFL and HEIG-VD has achieved a significant milestone in the development of hyperloop technology. The LIMITLESS (Linear Induction…

ARA Precision Sprayer Certified to Reduce Plant Protection Product Drift by 95%

Spray drift is a major concern for farmers and governments alike, as it wastes resources and harms neighboring crops, ecosystems, and public health. Strict regulations…