Every year, some 50 new cleantech start-ups are founded in Switzerland, an average of nearly one a week. This figure shows how Switzerland’s cleantech sector is thriving. But many of these start-ups struggle to secure funding, with finance proving a challenge for 59% of them. These figures and findings are taken from the recently published second edition of the Overview of Cleantech Start-ups. This exhaustive report, published by CleantechAlps, profiles the current state of play in Switzerland’s cleantech ecosystem, highlighting the central role played by start-ups in the transformation into a more sustainable economy.
Over more than 120 pages, this overview provides a thorough audit of Switzerland’s cleantech start-ups and an incisive analysis of investment and trends in the sector. It is a must-have for investors, industrial partners and political and economic decision-makers keen to support and associate themselves with initiatives that are creating tomorrow’s world.
“Fifteen years ago, the “cleantech wave” was widely dismissed as a fad, but today the sector has proved its mettle” says Eric Plan, Secretary General of CleantechAlps.
Cleantech businesses in pole position among Swiss start-ups
In the last five years, one in every six start-ups established in Switzerland has been a cleantech business. In all, no fewer than 560 fledgling cleantech companies have been set up since 2010 and are still in business today. “In recent years the momentum has grown, with around 50 new companies springing up every year and grabbing more than their fair share of top industry accolades such as the Swiss Start-up Award,” adds Eric Plan. The cantons of Vaud, Valais and Zurich are enjoying the greatest impetus in the sector.
Start-ups are a good way of measuring the pulse of the innovative sectors of an economy and the vitality of an innovation ecosystem. It is therefore no surprise to see cleantech businesses at the forefront of Switzerland’s economic development.
Industry-leading insight into the cleantech sector
In addition to providing helpful and exclusive figures, this overview sets out a comprehensive analysis of Switzerland’s cleantech ecosystem and presents a portfolio of around 70 profiles of innovative start-ups and scale-ups, practical examples of entrepreneurial excellence contributing to the transition to a sustainable society.
The report is supplemented by expert opinions from respected public- and private-sector figures such as Jean-Michel Stauffer of Innovaud. It also features quotations by cleantech opinion leaders such as Christophe Pot, Director of Spontis SA, Laurent Wehrli, Member of the Swiss National Council, Assia Garbinato, Head of Digital & Innovation at Romande Energie SA, and many others.
This publication complements the Swiss Cleantech Report published a few months ago and presents CleantechAlps’ 2030+ Vision for the cleantech sector, which incorporates sustainability and resilience into our society. It is intended to be the definitive reference work for anyone with an interest in Switzerland’s cleantech sector.
Get your copy
- The printed version of the 2nd Overview of Cleantech Start-ups is available free of charge from CleantechAlps via this order form.
- An electronic version can be downloaded from the CleantechAlps website : here.